
Cosmetic dental flaws like chips, cracks, and stains can make you hesitate to share your smile with the world.

Thankfully, veneers can conceal a variety of aesthetic dental issues and restore your ability to smile with confidence.

Patients come to Dumas Family Dental in Dumas, TX, for veneers because of our elite care and focus on the patient experience.

What Exactly Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin ceramic shells that are permanently attached to the front surfaces of natural teeth. They can mask a vast spectrum of cosmetic concerns. These include teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored, misshapen, misaligned, overcrowded, or slightly gapped.

What Are Dental Veneers Made Of?

Our veneers are typically made out of high-grade porcelain. We prefer using porcelain for dental veneers because it is an immensely powerful material. Porcelain is very durable and extremely stain-resistant.

Porcelain veneers can also be fashioned to appear just like natural teeth. Depending on your unique needs, we may craft your veneers out of porcelain or other trusted materials.

Why Dumas Trusts Our Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. David Bonner has provided life-changing dentistry since 1980. He has been President of the Panhandle District Dental Society, nominated for Texas Dentist of the Year, and earned prestigious distinctions such as Fellow of the International College of Dentists.

His son, Dr. Reagan A. Bonner, joined our team in 2011. He was a stellar student who earned a perfect 4.0 GPA from West Texas A & M before graduating with honors from the UT Health Science Center. His many accolades include the Southwest Prosthodontics Society Award.

Our father-and-son dental duo operate with a heightened level of teamwork. They have also invested in various advanced technologies to augment their elevated level of skill.

Let’s Upgrade Your Smile

Request Your Veneers Consultation

Masking tooth damage and discoloration with veneers can make a world of difference for you. Patients often tell us that in addition to looking better, they feel a renewed sense of self-confidence. In many cases, they find themselves smiling more since they are so confident in their newly beautified smiles.

We strive to make every aspect of your veneers experience as seamless as possible. The second you walk in our door, you will be greeted by a friendly and welcoming staff. We do everything we can to make you feel at home as we deliver advanced dental care. Ready to get started? All you have to do is request your appointment. Contact us online or call (806) 935-6811

We Have Almost 200 5-Star Google Reviews

Based on 329 reviews
Noami Loera
Noami Loera
April 17, 2024
Lovely experience, they were quick and very friendly!
Mary Thomas
Mary Thomas
April 17, 2024
All employees are ver nice, very friendly. Creates a great environment. Very knowledgeable, listens and provides options for my dental plan.
Gasim Bella
Gasim Bella
April 4, 2024
Very professional staff and proficient providers. Highly recommended!

Are Veneers Covered by Insurance?

No. Because they are a cosmetic treatment, veneers are unfortunately not covered by insurance. To help with out-of-pocket costs, our Dumas, TX, team accepts CareCredit®. CareCredit is a third-party financing option that allows for convenient monthly dental payments with low or no interest.

The Porcelain Veneers Process

We can use porcelain veneers to beautify your smile in as few as two appointments. We’ll customize your veneers so they have the shape, shade, and size that’s ideal for your smile.


Our dentists will make sure you are a good candidate for veneers by assessing the health of your teeth and gums. They will also ensure you have enough enamel for the procedure, since some enamel must be removed to place veneers.


Your dentist will remove a very thin layer of enamel from your teeth. Our dental team has placed veneers for decades, giving us the experience to remove only what is absolutely necessary. We will then take either traditional or digital impressions of your reshaped teeth.


Your impressions will be sent to a trusted local lab. The lab will spend about two weeks crafting your customized veneers. We can place natural-looking temporary veneers over your teeth to protect your smile in the meantime.


At your return visit, your dentist will place your veneers on your teeth. You will be asked for feedback so that any necessary adjustments can be made on the spot. Once you are totally comfortable with your new veneers, you can leave and begin enjoying life with your brand-new smile.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Veneers

Getting the Most Out of Porcelain Veneers

Our dentists are truly committed to our patients’ happiness. They will provide detailed instructions to help you keep your veneers beautiful for years to come. Broadly speaking, this includes:



Porcelain is stain-resistant. However, it is not stain-proof. Try to avoid frequently consuming dark sodas, red wine, and other drinks that cause discoloration. You can also protect your veneers by not using your teeth as tools. For example, you should not open packages with your teeth.

Dental prevention calendar appointments


Receiving veneers often inspires patients to commit to better oral health care than before. Thankfully, veneers can be brushed and flossed just like regular teeth. You should also attend regular appointments with our dentists so we can help keep your veneers in tip-top shape.

Looking for Another Solution?

Crowns Can Be an Excellent Alternative

Our Dumas, TX, dentists are known for comprehensive dentistry. We offer a host of services and will recommend what is best for you.

If you only have surface-level cosmetic issues to address, veneers should be more than sufficient. However, extensively damaged or decayed teeth may benefit more from dental crowns. A dental crown, unlike a veneer, covers the entirety of a tooth. It provides invaluable protection to a tooth while improving shape and even color.

A crown is considered a restorative treatment, meaning it is typically covered by insurance. However, it wouldn’t be covered if the crown is placed for purely cosmetic reasons. Crown placement is similar to veneer placement, and you can expect long-lasting results from them as well.
