Maher Lawand, DDS, MS
Partner and General Dentist

Dr. Lawand Crafts
Smiles With Care

Our Dentist in His Own Words

“Welcome to the world of dentistry; where passion meets precision and smiles are crafted with care. My journey in the realm of oral health has been a fulfilling odyssey marked by dedication, education, and a commitment to community well-being.”

Dr. Lawand is a cosmetic dentist and oral surgeon offering a wide range of dentistry services at Dumas Family Dentistal. He is eager to help you and your family with compassionate care at our dental office in Dumas, TX.


Doctorate Degree

Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry
Dallas, TX

Master’s Degree

Biomedical Sciences
University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX

Bachelor’s Degree

Healthcare Studies
Honors: magna cum laude
University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX

Advanced Training & Continuing Education

Resnik Implant Institute

Dr. Lawand’s quest for excellence didn’t stop upon receiving his doctorate; he went on to hone his expertise at the Resnik Implant Institute, solidifying his commitment to staying at the forefront of dental innovation.

Learning Alongside Family

He and his sister, also a dentist in Houston, frequently attend continuing education courses together. “Shop talk seamlessly blends into family dinner discussions,” says Dr. Lawand, “a testament to our unwavering dedication to our craft.”

Professional Affiliations


Expertise in Root Canal Therapy

Dr. Lawand is highly skilled in root canal therapy. While addressing root canal buildup in the crown usually takes four appointments, he has the skills and experience to complete treatment in just one visit in many cases.

Learn More About Dr. Lawand

Putting Down Roots in Dumas

Recognizing the need for skilled dentists in an underserved area, he and his wife, Dr. Nagham Ghanim, made the conscious choice to establish themselves in Dumas, far from their hometown of Dallas. Rooted in a desire to contribute to a community they could call their own, they planted their stake in Dumas and have been warmly embraced by its residents.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to serve this welcoming community and are eager to continue our journey in our newfound home,” says Dr. Lawand.

Mentoring Aspiring Dentists

He finds immense joy in mentoring new and aspiring dentists, contributing to the growth and vibrancy of his and his wife’s professional community.

“Our shared passion for dentistry ignites a constant pursuit of excellence, a flame that fuels our commitment to elevating the practice of dentistry.”

Away From the Dental Chair

Whether navigating mountain trails on a bike, reveling in the engineering marvels of cars, or strumming melodies on the guitar, he finds balance in diverse interests that enrich his perspective. He also sponsors local sports teams.

We Have Almost 200 5-Star Google Reviews

Based on 329 reviews
Noami Loera
Noami Loera
April 17, 2024
Lovely experience, they were quick and very friendly!
Mary Thomas
Mary Thomas
April 17, 2024
All employees are ver nice, very friendly. Creates a great environment. Very knowledgeable, listens and provides options for my dental plan.
Gasim Bella
Gasim Bella
April 4, 2024
Very professional staff and proficient providers. Highly recommended!