When to Get a Wisdom Tooth Removed

How to Know When It’s Time for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, usually appear in your late teens or early twenties. For some people, these teeth come in without any issues. But for many, they can cause pain, overcrowding, or even infection—indicating the need for removal. If you’re uncertain whether it’s time for a tooth extraction, our Dumas, TX dentists can give you some key signs to look out for. If you’re in Dumas,Cactus, Sunray, Stratford, or the surrounding areas, Dumas Family Dental is here to help you determine whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary.

If you’re in need of a wisdom tooth removal, contact Dumas Family Dental immediately by calling (806) 583-0872. 

Common Signs To Look Out For

Persistent Pain or Discomfort

Pain in the back of your mouth, jaw, or even your ears can be one of the first signs that your wisdom teeth are causing trouble. If the discomfort doesn’t go away or worsens over time, it’s a clear indication that your wisdom teeth might need to be removed. Dumas Family Dental can help evaluate your condition and determine the best course of action.

Swollen or Bleeding Gums

When wisdom teeth start to erupt, they may cause your gums to become swollen or bleed. This can happen because the teeth are trying to break through the gum tissue, which may be insufficient to accommodate them. If the swelling or bleeding doesn’t go away or happens frequently, it could be a sign of an infection or that your wisdom teeth are impacted. Consulting your dentist in Dumas, TX, is important to prevent further complications.

Difficulty Opening Your Mouth

If you start having trouble opening your mouth fully or feel tightness around the jaw, it could be a sign that your wisdom teeth are impacted or infected. This condition is usually caused by the teeth pushing against surrounding structures, and it can result in restricted mouth movement. Getting checked out by a dentist at Dumas Family Dental will help assess the extent of the issue.

Tooth Decay or Gum Disease

Sometimes, wisdom teeth don’t fully emerge or are misaligned, leaving spaces where bacteria can gather. This can lead to tooth decay or gum disease. If you notice bad breath, a bad taste in your mouth, or inflammation around the wisdom teeth, it’s time to seek dental advice. One of our qualified dentists will assess your teeth and recommend whether extraction is the best solution.

Cysts or Infections

In some cases, wisdom teeth can form cysts (fluid-filled sacs) around the tooth, which can cause damage to the jawbone, nerves, or neighboring teeth. If you notice severe pain, swelling, or infection in the area, it could be due to a cyst. These situations require prompt dental attention to avoid further health risks. A dentist at Dumas Family Dental will conduct an exam to determine the best course of action.

Overcrowding of Teeth

When there’s not enough space for the wisdom teeth to grow properly, they can push against your other teeth, causing overcrowding. This can result in misalignment of your other teeth, which might affect your smile or bite. If your wisdom teeth are impacting the alignment of your teeth, it may be time for an extraction to prevent long-term damage. 

Impacted Teeth

Sometimes, wisdom teeth don’t fully emerge from the gums or only come in partially. This is known as impaction. Impacted teeth can cause pain, infections, and even damage to nearby teeth. If you experience any of the above symptoms along with signs of impaction, it’s important to have your wisdom teeth evaluated by a dentist. The professionals at Dumas Family Dental are equipped to diagnose and treat impacted wisdom teeth.

Headaches or Jaw Pain

If you’re experiencing frequent headaches or persistent jaw pain, your wisdom teeth might be the culprit. As they push against other teeth or jaw structures, they can cause strain, leading to tension in the head and jaw. Addressing this issue early can prevent ongoing discomfort and more serious problems.

Is It Time for Your Wisdom Teeth to Go? Schedule an Evaluation Today!

While wisdom teeth are a natural part of your dental development, they don’t always grow in without complications. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s important to schedule an appointment with a dentist to determine whether extraction is necessary. Our skilled team at Dumas Family Dental serves Dumas, Texhoma, Hereford, Friona and the surrounding areas and is ready to provide advice and care when it comes to your wisdom teeth. Taking care of your dental health early can save you from more serious issues down the road.

Visit Dumas Family Dental today to discuss your options and ensure that your wisdom teeth are no longer causing you pain or discomfort! Schedule your wisdom teeth removal appointment by calling (806) 583-0872. 
