
The thought of wearing braces causes many patients to avoid orthodontics, even if they are unhappy with their teeth.

Fortunately, you have more subtle options. Invisalign lets patients straighten crooked teeth without making them feel self-conscious.

Drs. Reagan and David Bonner in Dumas, TX, can oversee your Invisalign treatment and help you achieve a picture-perfect smile.

There Are Several Advantages to Invisalign

As you already know, clear aligners are much more discreet than metal braces, but there are several other reasons why our Dumas, TX, patients prefer Invisalign® over traditional orthodontics.


Unlike metal brackets which protrude and can feel abrasive inside your mouth, Invisalign aligners are smooth and cause no such irritation. They are made from a patented plastic material known as SmartTrack™ which is designed to comfortably shift the teeth by exerting gentle and even pressure across the dental arch.


Invisalign is a popular choice for straightening teeth because it involves minimal disturbance to your daily routine. Since the aligners are removable, you do not need to modify your diet, change the way you brush and floss, or avoid sports that could lead to facial impact. Simply take the trays out as needed and continue with your normal activities.


While braces require frequent assessments and adjustments, Invisalign is monitored with far fewer trips to the dentist. During your periodic check-ins with our dentists, you will receive several sets of trays at a time.


Aligners can be as effective as any other kind of orthodontic for treating mild-to-moderate dental misalignment. While some severe cases are best treated with braces, many patients enjoy total success and satisfaction with the Invisalign system.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Our Dumas, TX, dentistry practice offers Invisalign as an alternative to traditional orthodontic braces. Treatment involves a series of custom-made clear aligners that gradually move your teeth into the proper position. Unlike braces, there are no brackets or wires used to pressure the teeth. Instead, Invisalign trays gently encourage alignment by exerting even pressure on the teeth. The aligners are switched out every two weeks until the series is complete.

Take a Look at Invisalign in Action

Our Dumas, TX, dentistry practice offers Invisalign, clear aligners that are virtually undetectable, and often just as effective as braces. The aligners fit comfortably over teeth and gradually reposition them.

Want to Learn More?

Request a Consultation at Dumas Family Dental

If you are unhappy with your teeth and dream of a straighter smile, now is the time to act. Orthodontic treatment has never been easier thanks to Invisalign.

Our experienced dentists have helped a wide range of patients achieve beautiful smiles with the Invisalign system, and you can be next. Contact our dental practice in Dumas, TX, today to request an Invisalign consultation. You can reach us by calling: (806) 935-6811

Dumas Family Dental

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Candidates For Invisalign

While clear aligners are suitable for many of our Dumas patients, they are not right for everyone. Dr. David Bonner, who is qualified to offer both Invisalign and traditional orthodontic braces, will be able to assess your smile and determine if treatment is right for you. The best candidates for Invisalign typically have:

Mild-to-Moderate Misalignment

Invisalign works best for patients with a mild or moderate degree of dental misalignment. Cases of extremely crooked teeth may require braces.

All Adult Teeth

Invisalign is not intended for young patients who still have baby teeth or adult patients who lost natural teeth and have prosthetics.

No Major Malocclusion

Invisalign primarily targets the teeth, not the jawbone. If you have significant malocclusion (like an overbite or underbite) you may need braces or another orthodontic appliance.

Commitment to Treatment

A successful Invisalign treatment will require you to be committed to your treatment plan. Though aligners are removable, they must be worn for at least 22 hours a day.

Do you think that Invisalign is right for you? Request a consultation at our Dumas, TX, dentistry practice to see if you qualify for treatment.

What to Expect During Treatment

Our experienced dentists have helped a wide range of patients achieve beautiful smiles with the Invisalign system, and you can be next.


You will begin with a consultation at our Dumas office to evaluate your orthodontic needs. If you decide to move forward with Invisalign treatment, your dentist will take detailed impressions of your teeth to plan your treatment.

Create Aligners

We will order your custom-designed series of clear aligners. Most patients need about 20 to 30 sets to straighten their teeth. The length of your treatment all depends on the severity of your misalignment.

Follow Schedule

Wear your clear aligners as instructed, removing only to eat, brush, and floss. Each aligner is worn for two weeks and then replaced with the next in the series. As you work through the system, you will notice your teeth becoming progressively straighter.

Results and Maintenance

When you finish with the last aligner in the set, your orthodontic treatment is complete. To ensure you maintain your results, continue to wear the final set of aligners or a retainer provided by your dentist every night.

Improving Your Treatment Plan With Invisalign Attachments

To ensure you receive the most successful results from your Invisalign treatment, our dentists offer Invisalign attachments. Attachments are small pieces of composite resin that are placed on the teeth, allowing us to modify the pressure of your aligners and promote a certain type of tooth movement.

As you progress through your Invisalign treatment, you will return to our Dumas, TX, office for periodic checkups. At this time, your dentist can assess the movement of your teeth and apply attachments as needed. This attention to detail, while small, will lead to better overall results and satisfaction with treatment.

So, Do I Need Orthodontics?

We can determine this during a consultation. Our dentists recommend orthodontics because poor alignment can make it difficult to clean your teeth properly, leading to widespread decay. Even patients with mild misalignment can benefit from orthodontics because they can correct cosmetic concerns and help patients feel more confident. If you are worried about dental decay or unhappy with the way your smile looks, you can benefit from treatment.
