
Misaligned teeth or an uneven bite can impact your ability to eat or speak while affecting the look of your smile.

Orthodontics can realign crooked teeth and give you a fabulous smile that accentuates your natural charm.

Explore different treatments for malocclusion and how Dumas Family Dental in Dumas, TX, can serve your orthodontic needs.

What is Orthodontics?

Invisalign clear aligners

Orthodontics is the practice of treating misaligned teeth or jawbones, usually through the use of braces and other devices.

Orthodontists, those who specialize in the field of orthodontics, can do more than improve your smile. Orthodontists treat patients for jaw imbalances, overcrowded teeth, and other issues that can lead to bigger oral health problems down the line. For example, misaligned teeth can wear down enamel and increase your risk of getting cavities.

When to Consult an Orthodontist

The signs of orthodontic problems are varied and may not appear obvious at first glance. Schedule an appointment with us if you or your child experience any of these symptoms:

  • Difficulty speaking or chewing
  • Protruding or crooked teeth
  • Crowded or misplaced teeth
  • Grinding or gnashing your teeth
  • Overbite, underbite, or crossbite
  • Frequently biting the inside of the mouth

When Should Children See an Orthodontist?

We Help Children Smile in Dumas, TX

As a general rule, children should visit the orthodontist while they are still 7 years old or younger. By the age of 7, most children have enough permanent teeth for our dentists to notice any potential issues. We want to spot any orthodontic problems early on and correct them before the teeth and jaws have finished growing.

The team here at Dumas Family Dental loves to help brighten children’s smiles in the Dumas area.

young girl getting her braces checked
One of every five orthodontics patients is an adult

According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)

While many adolescents receive orthodontic treatment, adults can also benefit from orthodontics. We offer dental care services for both adults and adolescents in the Dumas, TX, area.

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Noami Loera
Noami Loera
April 17, 2024
Lovely experience, they were quick and very friendly!
Mary Thomas
Mary Thomas
April 17, 2024
All employees are ver nice, very friendly. Creates a great environment. Very knowledgeable, listens and provides options for my dental plan.
Gasim Bella
Gasim Bella
April 4, 2024
Very professional staff and proficient providers. Highly recommended!

Treatment Options to Fit Your Goals

Dumas Family Dental offers braces and Invisalign® to meet your dental needs. Our dentists will walk you through these treatment options to find the best fit for you.


Traditional braces attach a series of brackets (usually stainless steel) to the teeth. The brackets are then attached to an archwire. In some cases, patients may wear bands on the backs of their teeth as well. The metal wires exert a slight but constant pressure on the teeth over time to move them into place. For more extensive treatments, our dentists may need to readjust or tighten the braces every few months.


Invisalign uses clear plastic trays that fit over your teeth. The trays gradually straighten your teeth much like braces. Unlike braces, Invisalign trays are easily removable and must be taken off to eat and brush your teeth. Invisalign is virtually invisible, so it doesn’t impact the look of your smile. Patients wear an aligner tray for two weeks before moving on to the next aligner tray in the custom treatment program.

How Long Do Orthodontic Treatments Last?

Orthodontic treatments may take anywhere from one to three years to fully align the patient’s teeth or jaw. The average orthodontic timeline is under two years.

Once braces are removed, a “passive” phase of orthodontics begins. During this phase of treatment, the patient may need to wear a retainer so their teeth remain in the right spot.
