Pediatric Dentist

Teaching children about the importance of maintaining their oral health can be difficult. Fortunately, you’re not alone.

Our pediatric dentists can help instill healthy oral hygiene habits for life while providing a wide variety of dental services.

See how our practice in Dumas, TX, can provide your child with the pediatric dental care they need, starting around the age of three.

The Importance of Pediatric Dentistry

From the moment your infant’s first tooth erupts, pediatric dentistry can go a long way in preventing oral health problems. Our pediatric dental practice in Dumas, TX, wants to make sure your child understands the importance of taking care of their mouth by explaining it in a way that they can understand.

We take our time with each patient, including children, so we can explain everything the patient needs to know. When treating children, our pediatric dentists go above and beyond to create a comfortable environment where the child can learn and feel safe.

Our Pediatric Dental Services

Our dentists and staff members have undergone specialized training with primary teeth. We provide many dental services for children, including:

young girl at the dentist

Oral Health Exams

Our dentists can monitor your child’s oral health and development to catch problems early. Scheduling appointments with your child’s dentist about every six months can contribute to their overall oral health and prevent problems from developing.

Preventative Dentistry

Our pediatric dentists in Dumas, TX, will provide dental care that can help prevent cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more. Additionally, we will encourage your child to care for their teeth at home.

little kid practicing brushing on a teeth model
up close of a tooth in the mouth

Cavities and Fillings

When a child develops a cavity, we can remove the infected part of the tooth and fill the cavity to prevent further decay, pain, and infection. Fillings are a comprehensive pediatric dentistry solution that can also repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down.

Sedation Dentistry

Our Dumas, TX, dentists understand that treatment can cause patients to feel anxious, especially children. If your child has to undergo a procedure, we can provide sedation options to ensure their comfort.

little girl at the dentist
little kid getting a dental cleaning

Fluoride Treatment

Pediatric dentistry includes fluoride treatments that are used to prevent tooth decay and to strengthen the enamel of the teeth. Our dental practice uses silver diamine fluoride because it’s FDA-approved and safe for children.

Emergency Dental Care

If your child has had an accident involving trauma to the mouth, our dentists can help. Whether a tooth has been broken or completely knocked out, we may be able to save it if you preserve it in milk or an ADA-approved tooth preservation product until you arrive at our Dumas, TX, office. If your child needs medical attention, be sure to address that first.

little girl with mouth pain
little girl who just lost a tooth

Restorative Dentistry

Following an accident that has resulted in your child’s tooth becoming damaged or knocked out, our dentists will do everything they can to save it. However, if the tooth can’t be saved, we may have to opt for a restoration like a crown or filling.

What Sets Us Apart?

Good With Children

We pride ourselves on being a family-friendly dental practice. Our entire staff is good with children, and we even have special amenities for children to keep them entertained if they have to wait before their appointment.

Focus On Education

Our pediatric dentists are both fathers who understand how important it is for your child to learn how to care for their own teeth at home. Not only do they go out of their way to educate children on what they can do to take care of their mouths, but they also work with parents so they know just how well their child is doing.

We Have Almost 200 5-Star Google Reviews

Based on 329 reviews
Noami Loera
Noami Loera
April 17, 2024
Lovely experience, they were quick and very friendly!
Mary Thomas
Mary Thomas
April 17, 2024
All employees are ver nice, very friendly. Creates a great environment. Very knowledgeable, listens and provides options for my dental plan.
Gasim Bella
Gasim Bella
April 4, 2024
Very professional staff and proficient providers. Highly recommended!