Root Canal Therapy

Are you experiencing severe tooth pain, tenderness, or sensitivity to hot or cold? You may have a root canal infection.

In most cases, Dr. Maher Lawand can perform gentle root canal therapy and place a dental crown in a single appointment.

Learn how the team at Dumas Family Dental in Dumas, TX, can eliminate patients’ discomfort and preserve their natural teeth.

Dealing With an Emergency?

If you’re experiencing signs of an infected root canal — such as severe pain or an abscess — it’s crucial to visit a dentist who’s ready to help. Our emergency patients are typically seen very quickly and fit within business hours.

When Is a Root Canal Needed?

Root canals are needed when harmful bacteria are left too long without treatment. At a certain point, the resulting decay makes it to the pulp inside the tooth. This pulp includes nerves, meaning infection generally causes a lot of pain. Since this damage is happening on the inside of the tooth, you won’t necessarily see the damage.

Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection

If you experience any of the following, it’s time to talk to your dentist about root canal treatment:

Tooth Sensitivity

Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks — even after removing the trigger.

Persistent Tooth Pain

A moderate to severe toothache that’s exacerbated by chewing or biting.

Gum Swelling

Inflammation at the gum line can cause the gums to feel sore and appear red.

Dental Abscess

An abscess can form on or in front of the root tip and may release pus or fluid.

Tooth Discoloration

The affected tooth may be a darker yellow than others, light brown, gray, or even black.

Bad Taste

A metallic, unpleasant taste in the mouth that’s difficult to get rid of with standard brushing.

What Root Canal Therapy Can Do for You

Relieve Pain

The side effects of a root canal infection can make it difficult to focus on work, eat meals, or sleep throughout the night. Treatment will eliminate the infection and do away with these detrimental side effects so you can live life to the fullest.

Save Money

When compared to alternatives like tooth extraction or dental implant placement, root canal therapy is a more cost-effective option. Early treatment stops the infection from taking hold elsewhere, which could increase your treatment costs in the long term.

Restore Aesthetics

Dental decay and gum inflammation — which are common symptoms of a root canal infection — can impact the look of your smile. After your dentist clears the decay and infection and places a filling, a protective dental crown can be crafted to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

The Health Risks of Delaying Root Canal Treatment

Tooth Loss

An untreated abscess or infection can only get worse. The longer a tooth goes unchecked, the more likely it will need to be extracted.

Spread of Infection

A root canal infection can quickly spread to other parts of your mouth. It can even enter the bloodstream and affect your overall health.

Experiencing Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection?

Contact Our Practice in Dumas, TX

Prompt treatment of an infected root canal minimizes the chances of needing tooth extraction, suffering bone loss, and having the infection spread — which can result in more costly dental procedures. However, you don’t need to visit an endodontist; Dumas Family Dental can help.

Dr. Lawand and his team can gently remove the infection and place a crown to protect your tooth, often in a single visit. Root canal infections won’t go away on their own so get in touch with our Dumas practice as soon as possible.

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Noami Loera
Noami Loera
April 17, 2024
Lovely experience, they were quick and very friendly!
Mary Thomas
Mary Thomas
April 17, 2024
All employees are ver nice, very friendly. Creates a great environment. Very knowledgeable, listens and provides options for my dental plan.
Gasim Bella
Gasim Bella
April 4, 2024
Very professional staff and proficient providers. Highly recommended!

Why Patients Turn to Dumas Family Dental for Root Canal Treatment and More

Gentle Treatment

We understand that fear of pain and discomfort during a root canal can stop individuals from getting treatment in the first place. Fortunately, we offer sedation dentistry options, use rotary tools to provide fast treatment, and utilize ultrasonic devices to eradicate infection.

Same-Day Restoration

In most cases, we can perform a root canal and place a dental crown in a single appointment. Thanks to CEREC technology, patients can reap the benefits of a high-quality, custom restoration immediately after their root canal therapy.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

The treatment and number of visits can vary slightly based on the severity of your infection.

Traditionally, root canal treatment can take up to four appointments. We can complete your entire procedure in just one visit.

Initial Consultation

Before performing a root canal, we conduct a thorough examination to check whether you have a tooth infection or if the issue lies elsewhere.

Removing Infected Pulp

If we recommend a root canal to alleviate your symptoms, we will remove the affected pulp, which is no longer necessary for the tooth to function.

Restoring the Tooth

Your root canals are filled with a biocompatible material and sealed by your dentist. If patients need an additional restoration, we typically place a crown immediately following treatment. However, some people might only need a filling.

Paying for Root Canal Therapy

Cost shouldn’t stand in the way of getting the dental care you need. Here are payment options that can make root canal therapy as accessible as possible:


Since the procedure is considered medically necessary, dental insurance should cover some or all of the cost of root canal therapy. We work with most dental insurance providers and are happy to help secure maximum coverage on your behalf.


For out-of-pocket costs, qualified patients can pay them over time. Our practice accepts third-party financing through CareCredit, which allows patients to pay for their treatment in monthly installments with little to no interest.

Dental Implants Can Replace Teeth

After Root Canal Infections

In some cases, a root canal treatment may not be successful or ideal, which means your dentist will need to perform a tooth extraction. Fortunately, our team in Dumas, TX, can effectively replace missing teeth with dental implants. This restorative dentistry solution provides the ultimate foundation for high-quality restorations — including crownsbridges, and dentures — while preventing jawbone atrophy.

dental implant