Dental Crowns

Time and other factors can damage our teeth, leaving them worn down and exposed to various dental issues.

In these cases, Drs. David and Reagan Bonner can use dental crowns to restore teeth that are decayed, broken, or misshapen.

Discover how dental crowns can save, protect, and whiten your smile under the care of Dumas Family Dental in Dumas, TX.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a type of cap that fits snugly over the top of a tooth. Dental crowns offer protection for damaged teeth, restoring a tooth’s shape and size while hiding any discoloration.

Unlike a filling, crowns cover the entire visible portion of your tooth and can treat more widespread decay or damage. Dentists may use crowns in a variety of procedures including root canalsdental bridges, and dental implants.

dental crowns

When to Consider Dental Crowns

Dental crowns have several uses and benefits for your oral health. Dentists use crowns to:

  • Restore broken or decayed teeth
  • Protect teeth from further damage
  • Secure dental bridges in place
  • Protect a tooth following a root canal
  • Cover misshapen or discolored teeth
  • Reinforce a tooth with worn-down restorations
  • Cover dental implants to replace individual missing teeth

Crown Materials to Match Your Needs

We want to provide you with the best dental care and options available. This includes materials like porcelain that look like a natural part of your smile. The dental material can also impact the durability of the crown or even the nature of the procedure itself. Some of your choices include:

porcelain crowns


The best aesthetic match for your natural teeth, porcelain is also great for patients with metal allergies.

IPS e.max

A glass-ceramic compound that’s stronger than porcelain crowns and features a natural color and shine.

empress crown


Another strong glass-ceramic compound that can match the appearance of your natural teeth.

Zirconia crown


A newer type of ceramic material that combines durability with a more natural look than metal crowns.

Picking the Right Material

Each material has different benefits to fit your situation. For example, porcelain crowns look great in the front row of teeth but may not be suited for the back row of teeth due to the pressure from chewing. Schedule an appointment with Drs. David and Reagan Bonner to find out which material best suits your dental needs.

Restore and Protect Your Teeth With Dumas Family Dental

If you have damaged or decayed teeth, set up a consultation with the Dr. David Bonner or Dr. Reagan Bonner to talk about dental crowns and how we can restore your smile. Did we mention that our dental crowns are made in-office so we can create and install your crown all in one day?

Request a consultation today to learn how you can receive a dental crown in one office visit. Call our dental office in Dumas, TX, at: (806) 935-6811

Dumas Family Dental

Dumas Family Dental offers the latest technology and sedation dentistry practices to give you a quick and virtually painless visit.

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Mary Thomas
April 17, 2024
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Gasim Bella
April 4, 2024
Very professional staff and proficient providers. Highly recommended!

Using High-Tech Solutions Like Same-Day Crowns Because We Value Your Time

Our dentists can create and place a dental crown in a single visit using CEREC®, a computer-aided machine that can craft dental restorations right in our office.

Without CEREC, patients will have to wear a temporary crown for a few weeks while a lab manufactures the permanent crown. Dumas Family Dental makes the procedure easier for you. CEREC lets you skip the wait and helps you return to daily life as soon as possible.

The Procedure: What to Expect

Examining the Teeth

During your visit to our office in Dumas, TX, our dentists take X-rays of your mouth to identify any potential issues. In some cases, our dentists may need to perform a root canal treatment if your tooth is decayed or carries an increased risk of infection.

Preparing the Tooth

After any preliminary treatments, our dentists smooth and reshape the tooth to prepare it for the crown. We use local anesthesia to numb the area and offer oral conscious sedation or nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help you feel comfortable.

Modeling the Crown

Next, our dentists survey the target tooth using a wand-like scanner. This scanner takes pictures of your mouth to create an accurate 3D model. This is known as a digital impression.

Creating the Crown

Our advanced CEREC system manufactures your crown in a matter of minutes based on the 3D model. Since we create our dental restorations in-office, our dentists can oversee the process and fine-tune your crown for the best fit.

Securing the Crown

For the final step, we make sure the crown fits snugly over your prepared tooth before cementing it in place. We will make any final adjustments to ensure the crown sits naturally in your mouth.

If CEREC isn’t recommended for your unique case, a traditional crown can be crafted by a dental lab. We will provide a temporary crown to protect your prepped tooth until the permanent crown is ready. The turnaround time is typically a couple of weeks.

Recovery and Aftercare

Numbness from the anesthesia will usually last a few hours after the dental procedure, and your tooth may feel sensitive to hot or cold temperatures. We recommend brushing with a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth until it fades.

The crown may feel different to your mouth for the first couple of days but should feel comfortable afterward. Long-term care for the crown is easy and only requires regular brushing and flossing.

What to Do If There Is an Issue

If the crown does not feel comfortable after a few days or becomes loose, contact our dental office in Dumas, TX. Dr. David or Dr. Reagan will readjust the crown until it meets your satisfaction.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

With the proper care and treatment, a dental crown can last from 5-15 years. Crowns usually don’t require any special maintenance after being installed. Patients just need to practice good hygiene and oral care to prevent gum disease and damage to the tooth. However, patients should take extra care to avoid activities that can damage the crown, such as:

ice icon

Chewing ice or popcorn kernels

fingernail icon

Biting your fingernails

teeth grinding icon

Clenching or grinding your teeth

package icon

Opening packages with your teeth

Biting hard surfaces may crack or chip the crown, and dental materials like porcelain are at higher risk during these activities. Schedule an appointment with us immediately if you think your dental crown might’ve been chipped or cracked.
